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YouTube Extractor vs others

node v18.11.0
version: master
const devnull = require("dev-null"); const util = require("util"); const sleep = util.promisify(setTimeout); const benchmark = async (fn) => { let time; let success; let data; let started; try { started = Date.now(); data = await fn(); time = Date.now() - started; success = true; } catch (err) { data = null; time = Date.now() - started; success = false; console.error(err); } return { time, success, data }; } const query = { videoURL: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn1rJbZ8nI4", search: "faded", playlistID: "PLNKs8mJ6MlqAx7nqsUi6tRJFDFBJxuLiV", channelURL: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUK-I-ILqsQoqIe8i6zrVg" }; const result = { "ytsr": {}, "ytpl": {}, "youtube-sr": {}, "ytdl-core": {}, "youtube-ext": {} }; async function ytext() { const dl = require("youtube-ext"); const searchbm = await benchmark(dl.search.bind(null, query.search)); result["youtube-ext"].search = searchbm.time; const infobm = await benchmark(dl.videoInfo.bind(null, query.videoURL)); result["youtube-ext"].information = infobm.time; const playlistbm = await benchmark(dl.playlistInfo.bind(null, query.playlistID)); result["youtube-ext"].playlist = playlistbm.time; const channelbm = await benchmark(dl.channelInfo.bind(null, query.channelURL)); result["youtube-ext"].channel = channelbm.time; // const downloadbm = await benchmark(async () => { // const formats = await dl.getFormats(infobm.data.streams); // const format = formats.find(x => x.itag === 18); // const vStream = await dl.getReadableStream(format); // vStream.pipe(devnull()); // vStream.on("error", (err) => { // throw err; // }); // await new Promise(r => vStream.on("finish", r)); // }); // result["youtube-ext"].download = downloadbm.time; } async function ytdl() { const dl = require("ytdl-core"); const infobm = await benchmark(dl.getBasicInfo.bind(null, query.videoURL)); result["ytdl-core"].information = infobm.time; const downloadbm = await benchmark(async () => { const vStream = dl(query.videoURL, { quality: 18 }); vStream.on("error", (err) => { console.error(err); }); vStream.pipe(devnull()); await new Promise(r => vStream.on("finish", r)); }); result["ytdl-core"].download = downloadbm.time; } async function ytsr() { const dl = require("ytsr"); const searchbm = await benchmark(dl.bind(null, query.search)); result["ytsr"].search = searchbm.time; } async function youtubesr() { const dl = require("youtube-sr").default; const searchbm = await benchmark(dl.search.bind(null, query.search)); result["youtube-sr"].search = searchbm.time; const infobm = await benchmark(dl.getVideo.bind(null, query.videoURL)); result["youtube-sr"].information = infobm.time; const playlistbm = await benchmark(dl.getPlaylist.bind(null, query.playlistID)); result["youtube-sr"].playlist = playlistbm.time; } async function ytpl() { const dl = require("ytpl"); const playlistbm = await benchmark(dl.bind(null, query.playlistID)); result["ytpl"].playlist = playlistbm.time; } const start = async () => { const pause = sleep.bind(null, 1000); result["youtube-ext"].overall = (await benchmark(ytext)).time; console.log("0"); await pause(); result["ytsr"].overall = (await benchmark(ytsr)).time; console.log("1"); await pause(); result["ytpl"].overall = (await benchmark(ytpl)).time; console.log("2"); await pause(); result["youtube-sr"].overall = (await benchmark(youtubesr)).time; console.log("3"); await pause(); result["ytdl-core"].overall = (await benchmark(ytdl)).time; console.log("4"); await pause(); const winners = {}; for (const key in result) { const bms = result[key]; Object.entries(bms).forEach(([k, v]) => { if (!winners[k]) winners[k] = []; winners[k].push({ module: key, time: v }); }); } let final = "Results\n"; for (const key in winners) { if (key === "overall") continue; const ele = winners[key]; final += ` * ${key}: ${ele.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time).map(x => `${x.module} (${x.time}ms)`).join(" < ")}\n`; } console.log(final); } start();

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