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restore fake timers tests

node v14.20.1
version: master
// Employs 'mini-mocha' to emulate running in the Mocha test runner (mochajs.org) require("@fatso83/mini-mocha").install(); const sinon = require("sinon"); const {assert} = require('@sinonjs/referee'); describe("original sinon", function() { it("should clear all timers when doing sandbox is restored", function() { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers(); const intervalTaskStub = sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => console.log('...executing task...')); setInterval(intervalTaskStub, 1000); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 5); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 10); sandbox.restore(); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s (after clearInterval)'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 10); // FAIL - Actual: 15; Expectation: should remain 10 // the IntervalTimer should stop running after restore, so ticking another 5s shouldn't have made the task be executed 5 more times. }); }); describe("clearable sinon", function() { let clearableSinon; beforeEach(() => { clearableSinon = new ClearableSinon(); }); it("should clear all timers when doing sandbox is restored", function() { const sandbox = clearableSinon.sandbox; const clock = clearableSinon.activateFakeTimer(); const intervalTaskStub = sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => console.log('...executing task...')); setInterval(intervalTaskStub, 1000); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 5); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 10); clearableSinon.restore(); console.log('\nabout to tick 5s (after clearInterval)'); clock.tick(5000); sinon.assert.callCount(intervalTaskStub, 10); // PASS }); }); class ClearableSinon { constructor() { this._sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); this._originalSetIntervalSpy = this._sandbox.spy(global, 'setInterval'); this._originalSetTimeoutSpy = this._sandbox.spy(global, 'setTimeout'); // TODO: setImmediate this._sandbox; } get sandbox() { return this._sandbox; } restore() { this._clearFakeTimers(); // clear all fake timers before restoring sandbox(including the fake clock) this._sandbox.restore(); this._clearOriginalPendingTimers(); // clear all real timers after restoring sandbox (to stop all timers set up before using fake timers) } activateFakeTimer() { if (this._fakeTimer) { return this._fakeTimer; } this._fakeTimer = this._sandbox.useFakeTimers(); // from here on the Timer functions will be mocked. if (this._fakeSetIntervalSpy || this._fakeSetTimeoutSpy) { this._clearFakeTimers(); } this._fakeSetIntervalSpy = this._sandbox.spy(global, 'setInterval'); this._fakeSetTimeoutSpy = this._sandbox.spy(global, 'setTimeout'); return this._fakeTimer; } _clearOriginalPendingTimers() { this._originalSetIntervalSpy.returnValues.map((timerId) => global.clearInterval(timerId)); this._originalSetTimeoutSpy.returnValues.map((timerId) => global.clearTimeout(timerId)); } _clearFakeTimers() { this._fakeSetIntervalSpy.returnValues.map((timerId) => global.clearInterval(timerId)); this._fakeSetTimeoutSpy.returnValues.map((timerId) => global.clearTimeout(timerId)); } }

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