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Recover Ripple Minimalist Rekeyed account

node v8.17.0
version: 2.0.0
const ripple = require('ripplelib') const minimalistRekeyed = '3QBGZnmsg5UY2EoPFZXwo9238Yp6C9N9ztaRbURcYa49PhvCAtF' let b = ripple.Base.decode_check(ripple.Base.VER_REKEYED, minimalistRekeyed) let y = ripple.sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(b.toBits()) let rks = ripple.Base.encode_check(ripple.Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, y.slice(0,16)) let familySeed = ripple.Base.encode_check(ripple.Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, y.slice(16)) let seed = ripple.Seed.from_json(familySeed) console.log('Address', seed.get_key().get_address().to_json()) console.log('Secret', familySeed)

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