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HEX Private key to address with ripple-lib

node v8.17.0
version: 3.0.0
const keypairs = require('ripple-keypairs') const elliptic = require('elliptic') const secp256k1 = elliptic.ec('secp256k1') const ed25519 = elliptic.eddsa('ed25519') function bytesToHex(a) { return a.map(function(byteValue) { const hex = byteValue.toString(16).toUpperCase() return hex.length > 1 ? hex : '0' + hex }).join('') } /* secp256k1 */ let secp256k1_privateKey = '00' + '0762EED5BA4F378FFA60621C6DEF72F4A0A579112ADA5F5D6B2A35EC27E893A5' let secp256k1_keypair = { privateKey: secp256k1_privateKey, publicKey: bytesToHex(secp256k1.keyFromPrivate(secp256k1_privateKey.slice(2)).getPublic().encodeCompressed()), } console.log('secp256k1 Keypair, Address ', secp256k1_keypair, keypairs.deriveAddress(secp256k1_keypair.publicKey)) /* ed25519 */ let ed25519_privateKey = 'ED' + '3AD7B2EC2CFD134C500867164E4E257FD703C2CF4915E93A8CFC0CC7C2DBA46B' let ed25519_keypair = { privateKey: ed25519_privateKey, publicKey: 'ED' + bytesToHex(ed25519.keyFromSecret(ed25519_privateKey.slice(2)).pubBytes()), } console.log('ed25519 Keypair, Address ', ed25519_keypair, keypairs.deriveAddress(ed25519_keypair.publicKey))

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