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Finishable XRPL Escrows

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const Fetch = require('node-fetch') const Client = require('rippled-ws-client') const Sign = require('rippled-ws-client-sign') const Seed = process.argv[2] || '' new Client('wss://xrpl.ws').then(Connection => { Fetch('https://ledger.exposed/api/escrowlist').then(r => r.json()).then(Escrows => { const ToFinish = Escrows.filter(Escrow => { return Escrow.FinishAfter <= Math.round((new Date()) / 1000) - 946684800 && Escrow.Condition === undefined }).slice(0, 1) ToFinish.forEach(Escrow => { Connection.send({ command: 'account_objects', account: Escrow.Account, limit: 400 }).then(AccountObjects => { const Escrows = AccountObjects.account_objects.filter(Obj => Obj.LedgerEntryType === 'Escrow') Escrows.forEach(Escrow => { Connection.send({ command: 'tx', transaction: Escrow.PreviousTxnID }).then(CreateTx => { const FinishJson = { Account: 'rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY', TransactionType: 'EscrowFinish', Owner: Escrow.Account, OfferSequence: CreateTx.Sequence } new Sign(FinishJson, Seed, Connection) .then(TransactionSuccess => { console.log('TransactionSuccess', TransactionSuccess) }).catch(SignError => { console.log('SignError', SignError.details) }) }) }) }) }) }) })

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