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Curry and Compose

node v6.17.1
version: 0.0.1
const compose = (...fns) => arg => fns.reduceRight((value, fn) => fn(value), arg) const curry = (fn, ...partials) => (...args) => { const params = [...partials, ...args] return params.length >= fn.length ? fn(...params) : curry(fn, ...params) } // Examples const point = (x, y) => [x, y] const addPoint = curry((pointA, pointB) => [pointA[0] + pointB[0], pointA[1] + pointB[1]]) const pivot = point(0, 0) const moveXFive = addPoint(point(5, 0)) const moveYFive = addPoint(point(0, 5)) const walkFive = compose(moveXFive, moveYFive) const walkTen = compose(walkFive, walkFive) console.log(walkTen(point(3, 6))) // Functor class Point2D { constructor(x, y) { this.__value = [x, y] } map(fn) { return fn(this.__value) } } // All purpose const add = curry((x, y) => x + y) const map = fn => value => fn(value) // const join = curry((glue, prefix, suffix) => add(suffix, add(prefix, glue)) const join = curry((glue, prefix, suffix) => prefix + glue + suffix) const placar = (a, b) => join(' X ', a, b) const score = curry((time, gols) => add(time, add(' ', gols))) const vasco = score('Vasco') const flamengo = score('Flamengo') console.log(placar(vasco(5), flamengo(1))) // String Functions const replace = curry((pattern, newValue, oldValue) => oldValue.replace(pattern, newValue)) const replaceWords = replace(/\w+/ig) const replaceSpaces = replace(/\s+/ig) const toLowerCase = value => value.toLowerCase() const toUpperCase = value => value.toUpperCase() const lowerFirst = value => toLowerCase(value.charAt(0)) + value.substring(1) const upperFirst = value => toUpperCase(value.charAt(0)) + value.substring(1) const removeSpaces = replaceSpaces('') const upperWords = replaceWords(toUpperCase) const lowerWords = replaceWords(toLowerCase) const camelCase = compose(lowerFirst, removeSpaces, replaceWords(upperFirst), toLowerCase) console.log(camelCase('VINICIUS de castro vinhas')) const spaceToUnderscore = replaceSpaces('_') const snakeCase = compose(toLowerCase, spaceToUnderscore) console.log(snakeCase('My personal toolbelt'))
In functional programming, Curry and Compose are very common patterns. Curry breaks down a function with N arguments into a chained functions with only one argument. Compose can take functions that expect one argument and chain them together. Both patterns combined give you a lot of power to create useful functionality.

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