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Stellar XDR Exploration

node v11.15.0
version: 1.0.0
var StellarBase = require('stellar-base') var jsxdr = require('js-xdr') let signers = new jsxdr.VarArray(StellarBase.xdr.Signer) .fromXDR('AAAAAQAAAABk2f+dLNw5y/8j7QxJ8gI/dhVtfNS0Zkv6/NM5zZN4IwAAAAE=', 'base64') for (signer of signers) { console.log( StellarBase.StrKey.encodeEd25519PublicKey( signer.key()._value ) ) console.log( signer.weight() ) } // Works
var StellarBase = require('stellar-base') var jsxdr = require('js-xdr') let thresholds = new jsxdr.VarOpaque(StellarBase.xdr.ThresholdIndices) .fromXDR('AQICAg==', 'base64') console.log( thresholds ) // Doesn't work
var StellarBase = require('stellar-base') console.log(StellarBase.xdr)

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