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RunKit + npm: slate-mdast-serializer

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.1
require("slate/package.json"); // slate is a peer dependency. require("immutable/package.json"); // immutable is a peer dependency of slate. const MarkdownSerializer = require('slate-mdast-serializer') const assert = require('assert') const paragraph = { match: node => node.kind === 'block' && node.type === 'PARAGRAPH', matchMdast: node => node.type === 'paragraph', fromMdast: (node, index, parent, {visitChildren}) => ({ kind: 'block', type: 'PARAGRAPH', nodes: visitChildren(node) }), toMdast: (object, index, parent, {visitChildren}) => ({ type: 'paragraph', children: visitChildren(object) }) } const bold = { match: node => node.kind === 'mark' && node.type === 'BOLD', matchMdast: node => node.type === 'strong', fromMdast: (node, index, parent, {visitChildren}) => ({ kind: 'mark', type: 'BOLD', nodes: visitChildren(node) }), toMdast: (mark, index, parent, {visitChildren}) => ({ type: 'strong', children: visitChildren(mark) }) } const serializer = new MarkdownSerializer({ rules: [ paragraph, bold ] }) const md = 'Hello **World**' const value = serializer.deserialize(md) const node = value.document.nodes.first() assert.equal(node.kind, 'block') assert.equal(node.type, 'PARAGRAPH') assert.equal(node.text, 'Hello World') const textKey = node.getFirstText().key const worldMarks = value.change().select({ anchorKey: textKey, anchorOffset: 5, focusKey: textKey, focusOffset: 10 }).value.marks assert.equal(worldMarks.size, 1) assert.equal(worldMarks.first().type, 'BOLD') assert.equal(serializer.serialize(value).trimRight(), md) console.log('markdown', md) console.log('mdast', serializer.parse(md)) console.log('slate', value.toJS())
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/slate-mdast-serializer

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