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Discordbots.org server count update endpoint

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
// // Made by Tobias feld | https://github.com/TobiasFeld22 // Last change: 22-10-2017 | 20:15 (CEST) // This notebook is licensed with the MIT license, // full file and the full license can be found in this gist: // https://gist.github.com/TobiasFeld22/99529f0f0aec2104dad26e0a22f57400 var express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); var app = express(exports); app.all("/:id/:token/:servers", (req, res) => { if (req.params.id === null || isNaN(req.params.id) === true) { return res.send("Your <strong>Bot id</strong> is not defined correctly, use the endpoint like this:<br><br>") } else if (req.params.token === null || req.params.token.length <= 150) { return res.send("Your <strong>Api token</strong> is not defined correctly, use the endpoint like this:<br><br>") } else if (req.params.servers === null || isNaN(req.params.servers) === true) { return res.send("Your <strong>Server amount</strong> is not defined correctly, use the endpoint like this:<br><br>" + process.env.RUNKIT_ENDPOINT_URL + "<strong>:bot_id</strong>/<strong>:api_token</strong>/<strong>:server_amount</strong>/") } update(req.params.servers, req.params.token, req.params.id, res) }) app.all("*", (req, res) => { res.send("To use this endpoint, send a request (get / post (doesn't matter)) to this endpoint like this:<br><br>" + process.env.RUNKIT_ENDPOINT_URL + "<strong>:bot_id</strong>/<strong>:api_token</strong>/<strong>:server_amount</strong>/<br><br>See raw code:<br><a href=\"https://runkit.com/tobiasfeld22/59ecb6e7fc7de200125ba2b5\"> Click here </a>") }) function update(servers, token, id, res) { const snekfetch = require("snekfetch") var servers = parseInt(servers) snekfetch.post('https://discordbots.org/api/bots/' + id + '/stats').set('Authorization', token).send({ server_count: parseInt(servers) }).then(r => { res.sendStatus(200) }).catch(e => { var extra = ""; if ("" + e == "Error: 403 Forbidden") { extra = extra + "<br><br>This error mostly happens when your id and token are not belonging together, or you mistyped either token or id. " } res.status(500).send("Error occurred while posting stats: \n" + e + extra) }); }

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