Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


untitled notebook

node v10.24.1
version: 0.0.1
const React = require("react"); const ReactDOM = require("react-dom"); const { get, routes, handler } = require("twosixonesix"); get("/", () => ( <ul> {routes.map(({ path }) => ( <li> <a href={path}>{path}</a> </li> ))} </ul> )); get("/html", () => "<strong>hello</strong> world"); get("/jsx", () => ( <div> hello <strong>world</strong> </div> )); get("/json", () => ({ hello: "world" })); // e.x. return a promise directly from a database query // fake it so you don't need mongo installed const Cat = { async find() { return [{ name: "garfield" }, { name: "quinnie" }]; }, }; // const mongoose = require("mongoose"); // mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/test"); // const Cat = mongoose.model("Cat", { name: String }); get("/promise+json", req => Cat.find()); get("/redirect", () => ({ status: 301, headers: { Location: "/html" } })); // stream towel.blinkenlights.nl because why not const net = require("net"); get("/async-iterator", () => blinkenlightsHTMLStream()); const blinkenlights = () => net.createConnection({ host: "towel.blinkenlights.nl", port: 23 }); // // async generator version: // async function* blinkenlightsHTMLStream() { // for await (const chunk of blinkenlights()) { // yield `<script>document.body.innerHTML = ""</script><pre>${chunk}</pre>`; // } // } // iter-tools version: const { asyncMap } = require("iter-tools"); function blinkenlightsHTMLStream() { return asyncMap( chunk => `<script>document.body.innerHTML = ""</script><pre>${chunk}</pre>`, )(blinkenlights()); } exports.endpoint = handler;

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