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Custom Payout Report with custom Payout ID

node v6.17.1
version: 5.0.0
const stripe = require("stripe")(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_TEST_KEY); const ITEM_LIMIT = 100; // Unix timestamp in seconds let now = Math.round(Date.now()/1000).toString(); async function requestor(ending_before=undefined, balance={}) { try { let transactions = await stripe.balance.listTransactions({ limit: ITEM_LIMIT, ending_before, available_on: { lte: now, }, }); let data = transactions.data; for(t in data){ if (data[t].status === "available" && data[t].type != "payout") { let curr = data[t].currency; let net = data[t].net; balance[curr] = balance[curr] ? balance[curr] : 0; balance[curr] += net; } } if (transactions.has_more) { requestor(data[0].id, balance); } else { // On the last page take the first available balance transaction. // This is your pointer in the balance history list which you will need to pass as input to the requestor the next time you run the report. let listPosition = null; for (t in data) { if (data[t].status === "available" && data[t].type != "payout") { listPosition = data[t].id; break; } } return { balance, listPosition }; } } catch (err) { console.log('Failed'); } }
// Everytime you run the report, store the listPosition in your DB, use it when you invoke the requestor the next time // https://stripe.com/docs/api#pagination const lastListPosition = "txn_1AXSOYJuxXf3u4Gt3Ynm0z7d"; const report = await requestor(lastListPosition);
// The sum in the balance will represent the avilable balance per currency. // Use this to create the payout to your bank account: // https://stripe.com/docs/api#create_payout // setting your dynamic statement descriptor: // https://stripe.com/docs/api#create_payout-statement_descriptor const availableBalance = report.balance; const payoutCurrency = "usd" await stripe.payouts.create({ amount: availableBalance[payoutCurrency], currency: payoutCurrency, statement_descriptor: "MY CUSTOM PAYOUT ID", });

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