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unflattenObject test

node v10.24.1
version: master
https://github.com/30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code/issues/1175 const unflattenObject = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, k) => { if (k.indexOf('.') !== -1) { const keys = k.split('.'); Object.assign( acc, JSON.parse( '{' + keys.map((v, i) => (i !== keys.length - 1 ? `"${v}":{` : `"${v}":`)).join('') + obj[k] + '}'.repeat(keys.length) ) ); } else acc[k] = obj[k]; return acc; }, {}); // TESTING const assert = (name, fn, arg, result) => { if (!result) { throw new Error('result to check against is missing'); } try { const t = fn(arg); if (JSON.stringify(t) !== JSON.stringify(result)) { throw new Error(`expected ${JSON.stringify(t)} to equal ${JSON.stringify(result)}`); } console.log(name + ' passed'); } catch (error) { console.error(name + ' failed', error); } } const DATE = new Date('2020-08-01'); // works fine assert('1', unflattenObject, { 'a.b.c': 1, d: 1 }, { a: { b: { c: 1 } }, d: 1 }); // is missing `a.b` because `a.c` overwrites `a` assert('2', unflattenObject, { 'a.b': 1, 'a.c': 2, d: 3 }, { a: { b: 1, c: 2 }, d: 3 }); // fails with `Unexpected token o in JSON` assert('3', unflattenObject, { 'a.b': 'foo', d: 3 }, { a: { b: 'foo' }, d: 3 }); // fails with `Unexpected token S in JSON` assert('4', unflattenObject, { 'a.b': DATE, d: 3 }, { a: { b: DATE }, d: 3 });

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