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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.1
// this example does not need any redis implementation, it's a mock. // load the store and the collections we will use const {Store, RedisSet, RedisIdToSet, RedisIdToMap} = require("redis-collections").Mock // create a store to run the queries const store = new Store() // create a shared data container for the mock collections const data = {} // define database structure with a shared (mock) data container const users = { list: new RedisSet({key: 'users', data}), settings: new RedisIdToMap({key: 'user:${userId}:settings', data}), friends: new RedisIdToSet({key: 'user:${userId}:friends', data}) } // plan to fill the db const createUsers = [ users.list.addAll(["U1", "U2"]), users.settings.setAll("U1", {name: "USER1"}), users.settings.setAll("U2", {name: "USER2"}), users.friends.add("U1", "U2"), users.friends.add("U2", "U1") ] // execute plan await store.promise(createUsers) // query the user ids const userIds = await store.promise(users.list.getList()) // plan to load structured data (id is predefined, settings and friends needs filling out) const loadList = userIds.map(userId => ({ id: userId, settings: users.settings.getMap(userId), friends: users.friends.getList(userId) })) // execute the plan const userList = await store.promise(loadList) // print every step into one string const print = [] print.push("userIds = " + JSON.stringify(userIds)) print.push("userList = " + JSON.stringify(userList)) print.push("data = " + JSON.stringify(data)) console.log(print.join("\n\n"))
Created from: https://runkit.com/npm/redis-collections

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