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node v8.17.0
version: 2.1.0
This is a playground to test @swvl/express-versioned-route. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. (https://swvl.github.io/express-versioned-route/) Examples: curl -L -H 'accept-version: supersearch' https://runkit.io/swvl/express-versioned-route/2.1.0 curl -L -H 'device-os: AndROID' -H 'build-number: 570' https://runkit.io/swvl/express-versioned-route/2.1.0
const app = require('@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0')(exports); const { versionsDef } = require('@swvl/express-versioned-route@2.1.0'); const process = (name, req) => { if (!req.processingOrder) { req.processingOrder = []; } req.processingOrder.push(name); }; const mwDef = name => (req, res, next) => { process(name, req); next(); }; const searchHandler = version => (req, res) => { process(version, req); res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(req.processingOrder)); }; const mw1 = mwDef('mw1'); const mw2 = mwDef('mw2'); const searchMW1 = mwDef('searchMW1'); const searchMW2 = mwDef('searchMW2'); const dynamicSearchMW1 = mwDef('dynamicSearchMW1'); const dynamicSearchMW2 = mwDef('dynamicSearchMW2'); const deepSearchMW = mwDef('deepSearchMW'); const searchHandlerV1 = searchHandler('v1'); const searchHandlerV2 = searchHandler('v2'); const searchHandlerV3 = searchHandler('v3'); const searchHandlerV4 = searchHandler('v4'); const searchVersionDef = versionsDef()({ versions: { simpleSearch: ['2020-Q1', searchMW1, searchMW2, searchHandlerV1], dynamicSearch: [dynamicSearchMW1, dynamicSearchMW2, searchHandlerV2, 'default'], superSearch: [searchHandlerV3], deepSearch: [deepSearchMW, searchHandlerV4], }, Android: [ [400, 'simpleSearch'], [450, 'dynamicSearch'], [500, 'superSearch'], ], iOS: [ [400, 'simpleSearch'], [460, 'dynamicSearch'], ], }); app.get('/', mw1, mw2, searchVersionDef);

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