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TileQuery for Federal Electorate lookup

node v8.17.0
version: 0.1.0
// Demo of using Mapbox's TileQuery API to find out which Australian federal electorate a given point is within. const key = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic3RldmFnZSIsImEiOiJjamlqbmtjNTMxYWdyM2xueDJkc2R5cGFlIn0.kQepm5b9pg3koSiZErFp1g'; const lngLat = [145,-35]; require("request") const request = require('request-promise'); const tileset = 'stevage.7ux6xzbz'; void request({ uri: `https://api.mapbox.com/v4/${tileset}/tilequery/${lngLat}.json?`, qs: { access_token: key }, json: true }).then(result => { if (result && result.features && result.features.length) { const p = result.features[0].properties; console.log(`The point ${lngLat} is in the federal electorate of ${p.ELECT_DIV} (${p.STATE}).`); } else { console.error(`Couldn't find an electorate for ${lngLat}.`); } });

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