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Get layer names and keys from vector tile

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
// based on Andrew Harvey's answer here: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/287610/how-to-find-layer-names-within-vector-tiles-without-tilejson-or-the-mbtiles-fi const request = require('request'); const VectorTile = require('@mapbox/vector-tile').VectorTile; const Pbf = require('pbf'); const zlib = require('zlib'); void request({ url: 'https://vector-tiles.terria.io/FID_LGA_2011_AUST/7/115/78.pbf', encoding: null }, (err, response, body) => { try { body = zlib.gunzipSync(body); } catch (e) { } const tile = new VectorTile(new Pbf(body)); console.log('Vector source layers found: '); Object.keys(tile.layers).forEach(layerName => console.log(layerName + ': ' + tile.layers[layerName]._keys.join(', '))); })

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