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Enums in JS - namespaced enums

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
const seasons = { SUMMER: { BEGINNING: "summer.beginning", ENDING: "summer.ending" }, WINTER: "winter", SPRING: "spring", AUTUMN: "autumn" }; let season = seasons.SUMMER.BEGINNING; if (!season) { throw new Error("Season is not defined"); } switch (season) { case seasons.SUMMER.BEGINNING: console.log('Its summer - beginning') break case seasons.SUMMER.ENDING: console.log('Its summer - ending') break case seasons.SUMMER: console.log('Its summer') break case seasons.WINTER: console.log('Its winter') break case seasons.SPRING: console.log('Its spring') break case seasons.AUTUMN: console.log('Its autumn') break }

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