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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


js-xlsx issue #634

node v6.17.1
version: master
Original Data Object:
var data = [{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,},{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,},{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,},{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,},{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,},{ "monoTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorTotalMonthly" : 0, "lifeTotalMonthly" : 490, "colorA3Monthly" : 0, "monoA3Monthly" : 0, "copyTotalMonthly" : 0,}]
Load XLSX library (since this is node)
var XLSX = require('xlsx')
Build Worksheet
var worksheet = {}; var range = {s:{r:0,c:0},e:{r:0,c:8}}; data.forEach(function(row, n) { range.e.r = n; /* data cells, I just took the order from your example but you can change the `row["..."]` part to reorder the cols */ worksheet['A' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["monoTotalMonthly"]}; worksheet['B' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["colorTotalMonthly"]}; worksheet['D' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["lifeTotalMonthly"]}; worksheet['E' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["colorA3Monthly"]}; worksheet['G' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["monoA3Monthly"]}; worksheet['H' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:row["copyTotalMonthly"]}; /* column C is going to be the sum from A and B */ worksheet['C' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:worksheet['A' + (n+1)].v + worksheet['B' + (n+1)].v, f:'A' + (n+1)+'+'+'B'+(n+1)}; /* column F is going to be the sum from D and E */ worksheet['F' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:worksheet['D' + (n+1)].v + worksheet['E' + (n+1)].v, f:'D' + (n+1)+'+'+'E'+(n+1)}; /* column I is going to be the sum from G and H */ worksheet['I' + (n+1)] = {t:'n', v:worksheet['G' + (n+1)].v + worksheet['H' + (n+1)].v, f:'G' + (n+1)+'+'+'H'+(n+1)}; }); worksheet['!ref'] = XLSX.utils.encode_range(range);
Save to file (In the buffer view, click the dropdown and choose "Download" then hit "Download as .zip", then rename the file as xlsx -- unfortunately runkit doesn't support download as XLSX so you have to do this)
var wb = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:worksheet}}; //XLSX.writeFile(wb, "test634.xlsx"); // <-- this saves to a file XLSX.write(wb, {type:"buffer"}); // <-- this generates a buffer

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