Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v8.17.0
version: master
const R = require('ramda') let a = undefined let b = {'b': 2} // 优雅1 let determine1 = R.when( R.propEq('b', 2), R.compose( R.inc, R.prop('b') ) ) // 丑陋1 let result1 = determine1(b) result1 let result2 if (R.isNil(a)) { result2 = R.prop('b', b) + 1 } else { result2 = R.identity(b) } result2 // 丑陋2 let obj = {a, b} let determine3 = R.when( R.compose( R.isNil, R.path(['a', 'a']) ), R.compose( R.inc, R.path(['b', 'b']) ) ) let result3 = determine3(obj) result3

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