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BĂ©zier spline from GeoJSON LineString

node v6.17.1
version: 1.1.0
Working sample of https://github.com/Turfjs/turf/tree/master/packages/turf-bezier
// Sample based on https://github.com/Turfjs/turf/tree/master/packages/turf-bezier // Using this as a starting point https://runkit.com/npm/turf var turf = require("turf") var line = { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "stroke": "#f00" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -66.126708984375, 18.47179400162541 ], [ -65.36865234375, 18.57596539447271 ], [ -64.94842529296875, 18.37016593904468 ] ] } }; /* * line Feature<LineString> input LineString * resolution [number] time in milliseconds between points (optional, default 10000) * sharpness [number] a measure of how curvy the path should be between splines (optional, default 0.85) */ var curved = turf.bezier(line, 10000, 0.85); // Defaults curved.properties = { stroke: "#0f0", "line-color": "#f00" }; console.log(curved.geometry.coordinates.length); console.log(JSON.stringify(curved)); var result = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [line, curved] };

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