Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


ascii text

node v8.17.0
version: master
const figlet = require("figlet") const promisify = require('util.promisify') const convert = (text, font) => promisify(figlet.text)(text, font).then(text => { return JSON.stringify(text) .slice(1, -1) .split(/\\n/g) .map(s => `console.log(\' ${s}')`) .join('\n') }) convert('Hello, World!', 'Broadway KB').then(console.log)
And now with ramda.
const R = require("ramda") const convert2 = R.pipeP( promisify(figlet.text), JSON.stringify, R.slice(1, -1), R.split(/\\n/g), R.map(s => `console.log(\' ${s}')`), R.join('\n'), ) convert2('Hello, World!', 'Broadway KB').then(console.log)

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