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Deck.gl Playground

node v6.17.1
version: 1.1.0
This is a playground to visualize data with deck.gl. It renders data in an interactive map. For a full list of supported props, check out the docs: https://uber.github.io/deck.gl/#/documentation/api-reference/deck. To disable the map, use `map: false`.
const {DeckGL, GeoJsonLayer} = require("deck.gl-runkit"); const getJSON = require("async-get-json"); const data = await getJSON('https://d2ad6b4ur7yvpq.cloudfront.net/naturalearth-3.3.0/ne_110m_admin_1_states_provinces_shp.geojson'); DeckGL({ longitude: -100, latitude: 40, zoom: 3, layers: [ new GeoJsonLayer({ data, stroked: true, filled: false, getLineColor: function(f) {return [255, 0, 0]}, lineWidthMinPixels: 1 }) ] });
Current limitations: - Only supports core layers

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