Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v16.18.0
version: 0.1.3
async function loopWithDelay({ doWhat, stopWhen, minInterval }) { while (!stopWhen()) { const interval = startInterval(minInterval); await doWhat(); const ms = await interval(); console.log(`resumed after ${ms}ms...`); } console.log("finished."); } await loopWithDelay({ doWhat: doSomethingForMs(150), stopWhen: stopAfterMs(2000), minInterval: 500 }); // a simple delay helper (in every single codebase :) function delay(ms) { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); } // a higher-order helper to calculate a timelapse function startTimeLapse() { const startTime = Date.now(); return () => Date.now() - startTime; } // a higher-order helper for a minimal interval delay function startInterval(ms) { const sinceStarted = startTimeLapse(); return () => { const sinceDelayed = startTimeLapse(); return delay(Math.max(ms - sinceStarted(), 0)).then(sinceDelayed); }; } // a higher-order helper to simulate an asynchronous task function doSomethingForMs(ms) { let count = 0; return async () => { const elapsed = startTimeLapse(); await delay(ms); // simulate an asynchronous task console.log(`done something for the ${++count} time, it took ${elapsed()}ms`); } } // a higher-order helper to tell when to stop function stopAfterMs(ms) { const elapsed = startTimeLapse(); return () => elapsed() > ms; }

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