Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Multiple Notifiers

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const loggin = require('loggin-js'); const csol = loggin .notifier('console', { name: 'csol' }) .color(false) .level('debug') .formatter('detailed'); const file = loggin .notifier('file') .formatter('detailed') .pipe(loggin.severity('debug'), './debug.log'); const logger = loggin.logger({ notifiers: [csol, file] }).channel('logger1'); logger.info('info'); logger.color(false); // You can modify the notifier any time logger.error('some <%rerror>'); logger.critical('critical'); console.log('--------------------------------------------------'); let logger2 = logger.clone({ formatter: 'long', channel: 'logger2', color: false }); logger2.debug('debug', { id: '0000' }); logger2.info('info'); logger2.error('some <%rerror>'); logger2.critical('critical'); // Deactivate one notifier logger2.getNotifier('csol').enabled(false); logger2.critical('not logged to console'); logger2.critical('critical'); logger2.silly('critical', null, { formatter: 'short' });

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