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simple-xml-to-json benchmark

node v12.22.12
version: master
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
benchmarking my xml to json lib against other npm packages
var Benchmark = require('benchmark'); var {convertXML} = require("simple-xml-to-json") var parseString = require('xml2js').parseString; var suite = new Benchmark.Suite; // some random XML to parse var xmlToParse = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <root> <n4IUJ2> <DzFbTv> <Z6ewIJR-SB3C alive="ants">Wt/X'&amp;K#@k</Z6ewIJR-SB3C> <JDhsG8yNFwleP hospital="people"> <la6Jwt>d^F|LA@u#+d(</la6Jwt> <i45PLrnNM6vXeW doing="band"/> <xPqIGtt>-1909725308.5405374</xPqIGtt> <cV2z>1394190533.3263087</cV2z> </JDhsG8yNFwleP> <Hm4> <c4kRe2 saw="own">C%:{y]VWx}}**4f</c4kRe2> <C4B>-1307394759</C4B> <ZcVyrAF7 had="term">-570786813.6594491</ZcVyrAF7> <vN3hpFICyLA>-314209804</vN3hpFICyLA> </Hm4> <d7Axle bee="dawn">Jb##j</d7Axle> </DzFbTv> <nh6lzjh_>-598128031.2294636</nh6lzjh_> <iqeBOQ1o1Oaq>Q1tHI&gt;cV]z</iqeBOQ1o1Oaq> <c4pnH tongue="being">L5=5,</c4pnH> </n4IUJ2> <vnz48uR1aCJ yourself="bridge">@WcQCxyD} 9</vnz48uR1aCJ> <dUQMFHn45w past="victory">Bg?]eDii(\</dUQMFHn45w> <Ab-Npen leg="curious">xOGFo19Eum</Ab-Npen> </root> ` // the tests suite .add('simple-xml-to-json', function() { convertXML(xmlToParse) }) .add('xml2js', function() { parseString(xmlToParse, function (err, result) { // console.dir(result); }); }) .on('cycle', function(event) { console.log(String(event.target)); }) .on('complete', function() { console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name')); }) // run async .run({ 'async': true });

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