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RunKit + npm: mongoose-dynamic-schemas

node v8.17.0
version: master
// Requires a MongoDB 3.6+ instance var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://<db_dir>/<db_name>'); var mongooseDynamic = require("mongoose-dynamic-schemas") const util = require('util'); var db = mongoose.connection; db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')); db.once('open', function() {}); var dogSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: {type : String, required : true, default : "No name"}, color : {type : String, required : true, default : "No color"}, breed : {type : String, required : true, default : "No breed"}, age : {type : String, required : true, default : "5"}, children : {type : Number, required : true, default : 2}, stats : {} }); var Dog = mongoose.model('Dogs', dogSchema); mongoose.connection.collections['dogs'].drop( function(err) { console.log('Collection dropped'); new Dog({ name: 'Rufo', age : "13", familyDogs : [{name : "Pancho", relation : "Son", friendship : 1 }]}).save() .then(dogs => console.log("1 - "+util.inspect(dogs, false, null))) .then(function() {console.log("\n------------------------------\n")}) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "family", {type : String, default : "No family"})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "stats.power", {type : Number, required : true, default : 50})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "stats.speed", {type : Number, required : true, default : 55})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs", [{name : {type : String, default : "No name"}, relation : {type : String, default : "No relation"}, friendship : {type : Number, default : 0}}])) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs.meetings", [{mDate : {type : Date, default : Date.now}}])) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs.meetings.time", {type : Number, default : 10})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.addSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs.meetings.location", {type : String, default : "Somewhere"})) .then(() => new Dog({ name: 'Pancho', family : 'Gazquez', familyDogs : [{name : "Rufo", relation : "Father", friendship : 1, meetings : [{time : 15}, {mDate: new Date(2017, 9, 5, 13, 24)}] }, {name : "Bimbo", relation : "Brother" }] }).save()) .then(() => Dog.find({}).lean().exec()) .then(dogs => console.log("2 - "+util.inspect(dogs, false, null))) .then(function() {console.log("\n------------------------------\n")}) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.removeSchemaField (Dog, "stats.speed")) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.removeSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs.name")) .then(() => new Dog({ name: 'Bimbo', family : 'Gazquez', color : 'Negro', stats : {power : 20 }}).save()) .then(() => Dog.find({}).lean().exec()) .then(dogs => console.log("3 - "+util.inspect(dogs, false, null))) .then(function() {console.log("\n------------------------------\n")}) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.moveSchemaField (Dog, "color", "looks.colour")) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.moveSchemaField (Dog, "stats.power", "power", true)) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.moveSchemaField (Dog, "familyDogs.friendship", "familyDogs.something.love")) .then(() => new Dog({ name: 'Lola', family : 'Gazquez' }).save()) .then(() => Dog.find({}).lean().exec()) .then(dogs => console.log("4 - "+util.inspect(dogs, false, null))) .then(function() {console.log("\n------------------------------\n")}) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldType (Dog, "age", Number, 1, true, true)) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldDefinition (Dog, "breed", {field1 : {type : String, default : "Pomerania", required: true}, field2 : {type : Number, default : 6, required: true}})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldDefinition (Dog, "children", {type : Boolean, default : false, required: true})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldDefinition (Dog, "looks.colour", {type : Number, default : 3, required: true})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldDefinition (Dog, "familyDogs.meetings.location", {type : Number, default : 2, required: true})) .then(() => mongooseDynamic.changeFieldDefinition (Dog, "familyDogs.relation", {type : Boolean, default : true, required: true})) .then(() => new Dog({ name: 'Wolf', family : 'Some family' , familyDogs : [{name : "Pepe", friendship : 4, hello : "nope"}]}).save()) .then(() => Dog.update({name : "Pancho"}, {"familyDogs.$[].meetings.$[].location" : 4}).exec()) .then(() => Dog.find({}).lean().exec()) .then(dogs => console.log("5 - "+util.inspect(dogs, false, null))) .then(function() {console.log("\n*******************************\n")}) .then(function() {console.log(util.inspect(Dog.schema.tree, false, null))}) .then(function() {console.log("\n------------------------------\n")}) .then(function() {console.log(util.inspect(Dog.schema.path("familyDogs").schema.tree, false, null))}) .catch(error => console.log(error)); });
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/mongoose-dynamic-schemas

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