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RAC Student Merge - Jan 13th, 2022

node v14.20.1
version: 3.0.0
exports.addRacUsers = async (req, res) => { try { // bring fixes from staging to generate credential // add column with ScrumLab session ids to xls // convert xls to csv // use https://www.papaparse.com/ to parse csv into json const readCSVFile = async () => { const file = fs.readFileSync('test_RAC.csv'); const data = file.toString(); return new Promise((resolve) => { papaparse.parse(data, { header: true, complete: (results) => { resolve(results.data); }, }); }); }; // https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/group-by?from=autocomplete const groupBy = (arr, fn) => arr .map(typeof fn === 'function' ? fn : (val) => val[fn]) .reduce((acc, val, i) => { acc[val] = (acc[val] || []).concat(arr[i]); return acc; }, {}); const jsonData = await readCSVFile(); // we are grouping the array by sessionId so that // we only need to fetch the session once per session as we iterate through the // students in that session const groupedBySessionIds = groupBy(jsonData, 'sessionId'); for (const [sessionId, rows] of Object.entries(groupedBySessionIds)) { const session = await Session.findById(sessionId); if (!session) { console.log(sessionId, ' sessionId does not exist'); continue; } const achievementDate = moment('2022-01-31'); const achievementDateSince = moment(session.date_end); const achievementDateExpires = moment('2023-01-23'); for (const row of rows) { // find user to check if they exist in ScrumLab const existingUser = await User.findOne({ username: row['Email Address'], }).populate({ path: 'sessions', select: '_id courses', populate: { path: 'courses', select: 'name' }, }); if (existingUser) { const existingAchievementIndex = existingUser.achievements.findIndex( ({ name }) => name === 'Registered Agile Coach' ); const existingAchievement = existingUser.achievements[existingAchievementIndex]; // if the user has the achievement and it is already linked to a session // we can skip this user if (existingAchievementIndex > -1 && existingAchievement.session) { continue; } // if the use has the achievement but it's not linked to a session if (existingAchievementIndex > -1 && !existingAchievement.session) { // if it does NOT have a session, add the user to the RAC session and update the achievement to link to the session const hasExistingRACSession = existingUser.sessions.find( ({ courses }) => courses[0]?.name.includes('Agile Coach') ); if (hasExistingRACSession) { // update achievement linking to session existingUser.achievements[existingAchievementIndex].session = hasExistingRACSession; existingUser.markModified('achievements'); await existingUser.save(); continue; } // adding to the session if the user does not have the session or the session does not have user const userHasSession = existingUser.sessions.findIndex( ({ _id }) => _id.toString() === session._id.toString() ) > -1; const sessionHasUser = session.users.findIndex( (u) => u.toString() === existingUser._id.toString() ) > -1; if (!userHasSession) { existingUser.sessions.push(session); } if (!sessionHasUser) { session.users.push(existingUser); } // updating achievement linking to session existingUser.achievements[existingAchievementIndex].session = session; existingUser.markModified('achievements'); await existingUser.save(); } else { // if they don't have the achievement, add them to the session and add the achievement (linking to session) const userHasSession = existingUser.sessions.findIndex( ({ _id }) => _id.toString() === session._id.toString() ) > -1; const sessionHasUser = session.users.findIndex( (u) => u.toString() === existingUser._id.toString() ) > -1; if (!userHasSession) { existingUser.sessions.push(session); } if (!sessionHasUser) { session.users.push(existingUser); } const achievement = { session, name: 'Registered Agile Coach', date: achievementDate, date_since: achievementDateSince, date_expires: achievementDateExpires, cert_url: '', cert_id: '', renewal_stage: 1, cert_path: 'rac.dox', subachievements: [], }; const [err, certUrl, certId] = await generateCredential({ achName: 'Registered Agile Coach', user: existingUser, dateSince: achievement.date_since, certTemplate: 'rac.docx', dateExpires: achievement.date_expires, }); if (err) { console.log('error generating cred for ', existingUser.username); continue; } achievement.cert_url = certUrl; achievement.cert_id = certId; existingUser.achievements.push(achievement); await existingUser.save(); } // prepare and send the email for existing users indicating they got added to the session strings.setLanguage(existingUser.language || 'en'); const template = require('../templates/add_user_existing')(strings); const htmlOutput = mjml2html(template); const html = htmlOutput.html .replace( '{{first_name}}', existingUser.first_name ? existingUser.first_name : '' ) .replace('{{class_name}}', session.name); // todo: uncomment when we're ready to run with prod data // generateEmail( // existingUser.username, // `${session.name} has been added to your ScrumLab Account`, // html // ); } else { // if user does not exist: // parse user data in order to create a new user const nameArray = row['Name'].split(' '); let firstName; let lastName; if (nameArray.length === 2) { firstName = nameArray[0]; lastName = nameArray[1]; } else { console.log(row['Name']); if (nameArray[nameArray.length - 2].length < 3) { lastName = nameArray.splice(nameArray.length - 2, 2).join(' '); firstName = nameArray.join(' '); } else { lastName = nameArray.pop(); firstName = nameArray.join(' '); } } console.log(firstName, lastName); const data = { first_name: firstName, last_name: lastName, username: row['Email Address'], full_name: row['Name'], }; // create the user, generate pw, and set partner const newUser = new User(data); newUser.partner = session.partner; const password = newUser.generatePassword(); // add session to user, and add user to session const userHasSession = newUser.sessions.findIndex( ({ _id }) => _id.toString() === session._id.toString() ) > -1; const sessionHasUser = session.users.findIndex( (u) => u.toString() === newUser._id.toString() ) > -1; if (!userHasSession) { newUser.sessions.push(session); } if (!sessionHasUser) { session.users.push(newUser); } // add the achievement const achievement = { session, name: 'Registered Agile Coach', date: achievementDate, date_since: achievementDateSince, date_expires: achievementDateExpires, cert_url: '', cert_id: '', renewal_stage: 1, cert_path: 'rac.dox', subachievements: [], }; const [err, certUrl, certId] = await generateCredential({ achName: 'Registered Agile Coach', user: newUser, dateSince: achievement.date_since, certTemplate: 'rac.docx', dateExpires: achievement.date_expires, }); if (err) { console.log('error generating cred for ', newUser.username); continue; } achievement.cert_url = certUrl; achievement.cert_id = certId; newUser.achievements.push(achievement); await newUser.save(); // prepare and send email for NEW users with their login info strings.setLanguage(newUser.language || 'en'); const template = require('../../templates/add_user_new')(strings); const htmlOutput = mjml2html(template); const html = htmlOutput.html .replace( '{{first_name}}', newUser.first_name ? newUser.first_name : '' ) .replace('{{username}}', newUser.username) .replace('{{password}}', password); // todo: uncomment when we're ready to run with prod data // generateEmail(newUser.username, `ScrumLab login information`, html); } } await session.save(); } // TEST agaisnt dev DB // DONE update emails to include Alex in signature // reviewed by Reiner and Larsen before running res.status(200).send('OK'); } catch (err) { return res.status(500).json({ message: err.message }); } };

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