Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v10.24.1
version: master
let list = [ { key: 1, title: '一级', parentKey: 0, status: { choose: false }, children: [ { key: 10, title: '一级-0', parentKey: 1, status: { choose: false }, children: [{ key: 15, title: '一级-0-1', parentKey: 10, status: { choose: false } }] }, { key: 11, title: '一级-1', parentKey: 1, status: { choose: false } }, { key: 12, title: '一级-2', parentKey: 1, status: { choose: false } }, { key: 13, title: '一级-3', parentKey: 1, status: { choose: false } }, { key: 14, title: '一级-4', parentKey: 1, status: { choose: false } } ] } ]; function makeRevMap(list, parents) { const ret = {}; list.reduce((result, item) => { ret[item.key] = parents.concat(item); if (Array.isArray(item.children)) { Object.assign(result, makeRevMap(item.children, parents.concat(item))); } }, ret); return ret; } const rev = makeRevMap(list, []); function choose(key) { for (const item of rev[key]) { item.status.choose = true; } } choose(15); JSON.stringify(list, null, 2);

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