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node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
const express = require('@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0'); const url = require('url'); const axios = require('axios'); const RECAST_REQUEST_TOKEN = 'XXX'; // Setting up our server const app = express(exports); // This route will be triggered when Chatfuel sends a message app.get('/', (req, res) => { const query = url.parse(req.url, true).query; const userId = query['chatfuel user id']; const userMessage = query['user_message']; // Call Recast's API with the user message return axios .post( 'https://api.recast.ai/build/v1/dialog', { message: { content: userMessage, type: 'text' }, conversation_id: userId, }, { headers: { Authorization: `Token ${RECAST_REQUEST_TOKEN}` } } ) .then(body => { // Format messages to Chatfuel format const formattedMessages = body.data.results.messages.map(chatfuelFormat); // Sends the answer back to Chatfuel res.json({ messages: formattedMessages, }); }) .catch(err => res.status(400).send(err)); }); // We need to manually "translate" Recast.AI message object to Chatfuel's format // For now I only implemented text and images but you can add others if you need to // Check out the documentation I linked above to the see the json structure of the other formats function chatfuelFormat(message) { // Source : { type: 'text', content: 'XXX' } // Destination { text: 'XXX' } if (message.type === 'text') { return { text: message.content }; } // Source: { type: 'picture', content: 'URL' } // Destination: { attachment: { type: 'image', payload: { url: 'URL' } } } if (message.type === 'picture') { return { attachment: { type: 'image', payload: { url: message.content }, }, }; } console.error('Unsupported message format: ', message.type); return { text: 'An error occured' }; }

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