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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


blowfish example

node v14.20.1
version: 1.1.3
const Blowfish = require("blowfish-node"); const bf = new Blowfish('super key', Blowfish.MODE.ECB, Blowfish.PADDING.PKCS5); // only key isn't optional bf.setIv('abcdefgh'); // optional for ECB mode; bytes length should be equal 8 const encoded = bf.encode(JSON.stringify({message: 'super secret response api'})); console.info('encoded', encoded); const decoded = bf.decode(encoded, Blowfish.TYPE.STRING); // type is optional console.warn('decoded', decoded); // encode the object to base64 const encodeds = bf.encodeToBase64(JSON.stringify({message: 'super secret response api'})); console.info('encodeds', encodeds); const response = bf.decode(encodeds, Blowfish.TYPE.JSON_OBJECT); // type is required to JSON_OBJECT console.warn('response', response); // example fetch response with blowfish-node const axios = require('axios'); const axiosBF = axios.create({ responseType: 'text', transformResponse: [ (data) => { if(typeof data === 'string'){ try { return bf.decode(data, Blowfish.TYPE.JSON_OBJECT); } catch (error) { return data; } } return data; }, ], }); const fetch = async () => { try { const {data} = await axiosBF.get('https://gist.github.com/mrdhanz/c300fdbea4c57228bf83ea74a3bbf57a/raw/a6eb55f9c6e523473ed952314888f81d18929656/encrypted.txt'); console.warn('response2', data); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } fetch();

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