Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v8.17.0
version: 33.0.0
const express = require('express'); const app = express() app.use(express.json()); app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!')) app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!')) // POST method route app.post('/', function (req, res) { console.log(req); let action = req.body.queryResult.action; console.log(action); let responseJson = {}; responseJson.fulfillmentText = 'This is an endpoint published to RunKit'; // displayed response if(action === 'telegram.quickreply'){ let richResponses = [ { "quickReplies": { "title": "This is a reply from RunKit. Choose an option", "quickReplies": [ "YES", "NO" ] }, "platform": "TELEGRAM" } ] responseJson.fulfillmentMessages = richResponses; } else if (action === 'facebook.card'){ console.log('Inside facebook.card if condition'); let richResponses = [ { "card": { "title": "Card Title", "subtitle": "Card subtitle", "imageUri": "https://github.com/fluidicon.png", "buttons": [ { "text": "Go to Google", "postback": "www.google.com" }, { "text": "Go to Dialogflow", "postback": "www.dialogflow.com" }, { "text": "Go to Slack", "postback": "www.slack.com" } ] }, "platform": "FACEBOOK" }, { "text": { "text": [ "" ] } } ] responseJson.fulfillmentMessages = richResponses; console.log(responseJson); } res.json(responseJson); })

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