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RunKit + npm: js-kmb-api

node v10.24.1
version: master
// import the library class const Kmb = require('js-kmb-api').default; // create an API instance using the default setting const kmb = new Kmb; // Load the forward route of 104 const route = (await kmb.getRoutes('104')).find(route => route.bound === 1); if (route === undefined) { throw new Error('route is not found'); } // load the main variant const variant = (await route.getVariants()).sort((a, b) => a.serviceType - b.serviceType)[0]; if (variant === undefined) { throw new Error('No variants are found'); } // Load the stop list of the main variant const stoppings = await variant.getStoppings(); // Find a stop called "Immigration Tower" const stopping = stoppings.find(stopping => stopping.stop.name === 'Immigration Tower'); if (stopping === undefined) { throw new Error('Stop is not found'); } // Get the ETA there const etas = await stopping.getEtas(); console.log(etas); // Get the stoppings of all other routes for that stop const stoppings_at_immigration_tower = await stopping.stop.getStoppings(); console.log(stoppings_at_immigration_tower);
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/js-kmb-api

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