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Current US Congresspeople

node v4.9.1
version: 10.0.0
const got = require("got"); const R = require("ramda"); const SyncRequest = require('sync-request'); const states = {};
function getStates() { if (states["CA"]) return states; const res = SyncRequest('GET', 'https://www.govtrack.us/api/v2/role?current=true&limit=6000'); const data = JSON.parse(res.getBody("utf-8")); R.forEach(rep => { if (!rep.state) return; let state = states[rep.state]; if (!state) state = states[rep.state] = {senators:[], representatives:[]}; if (rep.role_type === "senator") state.senators.push(rep); else if (rep.role_type === "representative") state.representatives[rep.district] = rep; }, data.objects); return states; } function getStateReps(state) { return getStates()[state.toUpperCase(1)]; } function getDistrictReps(state, district) { const stateReps = getStateReps(state); let districtReps = null; if (stateReps) districtRep = stateReps.representatives[district]; if (stateReps && districtRep) return R.insert(0, districtRep, stateReps.senators); else return []; } module.exports.getStateReps = getStateReps; module.exports.getDistrictReps = getDistrictReps;

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