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tonic + npm: async-array-class

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.1
const AsyncArray = require("async-array-class") // Support function function sleep(milliseconds) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve,milliseconds)) } console.log('Creating the array') const baseArray = new AsyncArray(1,2,3) console.log(baseArray) console.log((new Date()).toString(), 'Running an async mapping') const resultArray = await baseArray.mapAsync(( value ) => { // Wait 1000ms and then return the value multiplied by 2 return sleep(1000).then(()=> { return value*2 }) }) // After the array is mapped console.log((new Date()).toString(),resultArray) console.log((new Date()).toString(), 'Running an async reduce') const result = await baseArray.reduceAsync(( total, value ) => { // Wait 500ms and then return the value multiplied by 2 return sleep(500).then(()=> { return total+value }) },0) // After the array is reduced console.log((new Date()).toString(),result)
Created from: https://tonicdev.com/npm/async-array-class

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