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Monadic parser combinators in JS

node v8.17.0
version: 3.0.0
// A JS clone of Stephen Diehl's mini Parsec implementation // from his excellent "Write You a Haskell" blog post series // http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/002_parsers.html require("@babel/polyfill"); const { adt, _, fail, Fn, Arr, Str, Applicanoid, implement, Chain, Apply, Functor } = require("@masaeedu/fp"); // Utils // Derived map, ap, lift2 etc from of and chain const deriveMonad = Fn.pipe([ implement(Chain), implement(Apply), implement(Functor), implement(Apply) ]); // :: [Char] const digits = Arr.range(10).map(x => x.toString()); // :: Char -> Bool const isDigit = c => digits.indexOf(c) !== -1; // Parsing // A parser is a function from a string to a number of // possibly partial interpretations of that string // :: type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)] const Parser = (() => { // Monad // Force a single interpretation of a string // without consuming any of it // :: x -> Parser x const of = x => s => [[x, s]]; // Partially parse a string, then for every interpretation // generate a parser to parse the remainder of the string // under that interpretation // :: (a -> Parser b) -> Parser a -> Parser b const chain = f => p => s => Arr.foldMap(Arr)(([a, s_]) => f(a)(s_))(p(s)); const { empty: fail, append: tryBoth } = Applicanoid(Fn)(Arr); const zero = fail; const alt = pa => pb => s => Arr.match({ Cons: Arr.Cons, get Nil() { return pb(s); } })(pa(s)); // :: Parser a -> Parser [a] const some = v => Parser.lift2(Arr.Cons)(v)(s => many(v)(s)); // :: Parser a -> Parser [a] const many = v => Parser.alt(s => some(v)(s))(Parser.of([])); return deriveMonad({ of, chain, fail, tryBoth, zero, alt, some, many }); })(); // :: Parser Char const item = Str.match({ Nil: [], Cons: c => cs => [[c, cs]] }); // :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char const satisfy = p => Parser.chain(c => (p(c) ? Parser.of(c) : Parser.fail))(item); // :: [Char] -> Parser Char const oneOf = chars => satisfy(c => chars.indexOf(c) !== -1); // :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a const chainl1 = p => op => { const rest = a => Parser.alt(Parser.chain(f => Parser.chain(b => rest(f(a)(b)))(p))(op))( Parser.of(a) ); return Parser.chain(rest)(p); }; // :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a const chainl = p => op => a => Parser.alt(chainl1(p)(op))(Parser.of(a)); // :: Char -> Parser Char const char = c => satisfy(c_ => c === c_); // :: String -> Parser String const string = Str.match({ Nil: Parser.of(Str.Nil), Cons: c => cs => Parser.chain(_ => Parser.map(_ => `${c}${cs}`)(string(cs)))(char(c)) }); // :: Parser String const spaces = Parser.map(ss => ss.join(""))( Parser.many(oneOf([" ", "\n", "\r"])) ); // :: Parser a -> Parser a const token = p => Parser.chain(a => Parser.map(_ => a)(spaces))(p); // :: String -> Parser String const reserved = s => token(string(s)); // :: Parser Char const digit = satisfy(isDigit); // :: Parser Nat const natural = Parser.map(ds => parseInt(ds.join("")))(Parser.some(digit)); // :: Parser Integer const integer = Parser.chain(sign => Parser.map(ds => parseInt(`${sign}${ds}`))(natural) )(Parser.alt(char("-"))(Parser.of(""))); // :: Parser a -> Parser a const parens = m => Parser.chain(_ => Parser.chain(n => Parser.map(_ => n)(reserved(")")))(m))( reserved("(") ); // Primitive tests { const tests = [ [char("a"), "a -> b"], // => ["a", " -> b"] [natural, "123142"], // => [123142, ""] [natural, "abcd"], // => [] [natural, "123abcd"], // => [123, "abcd"] [natural, "-123"], // => [] [integer, "123"], // => [123, ""] [integer, "-123"], // => [-123, ""] [string("foo"), "abcd"], // => [] [string("foo"), "food"], // => ["foo", "d"] [spaces, " durr"] // => [" ", "durr"] ]; const results = tests.map(([p, s]) => p(s)); console.log(results); } // An example use case: parsing arithmetic expressions into an ADT { const Expr = adt({ Add: [_, _], Mul: [_, _], Sub: [_, _], Lit: [_] }); // :: Expr -> Int const eval = Expr.match({ Add: a => b => eval(a) + eval(b), Mul: a => b => eval(a) * eval(b), Sub: a => b => eval(a) - eval(b), Lit: n => n }); // :: Parser Expr const int = Parser.map(Expr.Lit)(integer); // :: Parser Expr const expr = s => chainl1(term)(addOp)(s); // :: Parser Expr const term = s => chainl1(factor)(mulOp)(s); // :: Parser Expr const factor = s => Parser.alt(int)(parens(expr))(s); // :: String -> (a -> a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a -> a) const infixOp = x => f => Parser.map(_ => f)(reserved(x)); // :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) const addOp = Parser.alt(infixOp("+")(Expr.Add))(infixOp("-")(Expr.Sub)); // :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) const mulOp = infixOp("*")(Expr.Mul); { const tests = [ "1+2*11", // => [23, ''] "(1+2)*11" // => [33, ''] ]; const results = tests.map(s => Parser.map(eval)(expr)(s)); console.log(results); } }

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