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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


JavaScriptToString Demo

node v12.22.12
version: 1.6.0
var javaScriptToString = require("javascripttostring"); var myStringOfString = javaScriptToString('Hello world'); console.log(myStringOfString);
let myStringOfArray = javaScriptToString(["Hello", "World", ".", "How", "do", "you", "do", "?"]); console.log(myStringOfArray);
let myObjectString = javaScriptToString({ friend1: "Shurik", friend2: "Alex", friends: { friend3: 123456, friend4: {}, friend5: ["Hola", "amigo"], friend6: () => { console.log("How you doing?"); } } }); console.log(myObjectString);
let myFunctionString = javaScriptToString(function(a,b) { console.log("Just a function"); }) console.log(myFunctionString);
function Simple(title) { this.title = title || "world"; } Simple.count = 0; Simple.prototype.show = function(){ Simple.count++; console.log('title = ', this.title); console.log('count = ', Simple.count); } console.log(javaScriptToString(Simple));
function Sample(title) { this.title = title || "world"; } Sample.count = 0; Sample.prototype.show = function(){ Simple.count++; console.log('title = ', this.title); console.log('count = ', Simple.count); } console.log(javaScriptToString(Sample, { includeFunctionProperties: false, includeFunctionPrototype: false }));

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