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Epifany URL Validation

node v10.24.1
version: 3.0.0
const axios = require('axios'); const queryString = require('query-string'); const atob = require('atob') const MAX_REDIRECTS = 10; const landing_regex = /https:\/\/web\.epifany\.com\/([^?\/]*)($|\?(.*))/; const new_regex = /https:\/\/web\.epifany\.com\/([^\/]*)\/new?[^#]*#(.*)/; const redirectUrl = async (url) => { const options = { method: 'GET', maxRedirects: 0 } const result = await axios.request({ url, ...options }).then(_ => undefined).catch((error) => { if (error.response.status === 301 || error.response.status === 302) { return error.response.headers.location; } }); return result; }; const evaluateUrl = async bar => { const urls = [bar] let newMatch = undefined; let landingMatch = undefined; let newUrl = bar let i = 1; do { newUrl = await redirectUrl(newUrl); if (newUrl !== undefined) { urls.push(newUrl) let match = newUrl.match(landing_regex); if (match !== null) { landingMatch = match; } newMatch = newUrl.match(new_regex); i++; } } while (newUrl !== undefined && !newMatch && i < MAX_REDIRECTS); const landingParams = landingMatch && queryString.parse(landingMatch[3]); const newParams = newMatch && queryString.parse(newMatch[2]); const result = { landing: landingParams !== undefined, urls, email: { requested: landingParams && landingParams['email'], served: newParams && atob(newParams['id']), }, major: { requested: landingParams && landingParams['major'], served: newParams && atob(newParams['major']), }, type: { requested: landingParams && landingParams['type'], served: newParams && atob(newParams['type']), }, }; return result; };
// 1. Paste the URL between the single quotes, ex. 'htts://example.com/foo?bar=taz' // 2. Click the green button in the lower right corner of this box. // 3. Wait for resutls to show up on the bottom. const url = 'https://www.google.com' await evaluateUrl(url)

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