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Citation.js API test

node v6.17.1
version: 0.0.3
const express = require('@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0') const app = express(exports) const Cite = require('citation-js') const docs = 'https://gist.github.com/larsgw/ada240ded0a78d5a6ee2a864fbcb8640' const validStyle = style => ['bibtxt', 'bibtex', 'csl', 'citation'].includes(style) || /^citation-\w+$/.test(style) const validType = type => ['string', 'html', 'json'].includes(type) const last = array => array[array.length - 1] const getOptions = params => { const fragments = params.split('/') let data, style = 'csl', type = 'html' if (fragments.length === 1) { data = fragments.pop() } else if (validType(last(fragments))) { type = fragments.pop() if (validStyle(last(fragments))) { style = fragments.pop() data = fragments.join('/') } else { data = fragments.join('/') } } else if (validStyle(last(fragments))) { style = fragments.pop() data = fragments.join('/') } else { data = fragments.join('/') } return {data, style, type} } app .get('/', (_, res) => res.redirect(docs)) .get('/*', ({params: {0: params}}, res) => { const {data, style, type} = getOptions(params) const cite = new Cite(data) const output = cite.get({style, type}) res.send(output) })

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