Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


hwd-aggregator example

node v0.12.18
version: master
const Aggregator = require('hwd-aggregator'); const aggregator = new Aggregator(); aggregator.setConfig({ groupBy: ['campaingId'], increment: { impressions: {init: 0, type: 'integer'}, spent: {init: 0, type: 'float'} } }); var array = [ {"campaingId":28, "impressions":1, "spent":0.01}, {"campaingId":28, "impressions":2, "spent":0.10}, {"campaingId":28, "impressions":3, "spent":0.13}, {"campaingId":45, "impressions":4, "spent":0.09}, {"campaingId":45, "impressions":4, "spent":0.09} ]; aggregator.aggregate(array); let results = aggregator.results();

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