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Example Mixins with PostCSS and precss

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
const PostCSS = require('postcss') const conditionals = require('postcss-conditionals') const precss = require('precss') void(0)
const css = ` @define-mixin backImages $x $y $url $color $size $repeat { @if $color != '' { background-color: $(color); } @else{ @if $url != '' { background-image: $(url); } @else { @if $x != '' && $y != '' { background-position: $(x) $(y); } @else { @if $size != ''{ background-repeat: $(repeat); } @else { @if $repeat != ''{ background-size: $(size); } @else { background:none; } } } } } } body{ @mixin backImages center center url(../images/juego_img/logojuego.png) '' cover no-repeat; position: relative; background: blue; } ` const result = await PostCSS([precss(), conditionals()]).process(css, {from: 'src/style.css', to:'dest/style.css'}) result.css

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