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untitled notebook

node v6.17.1
version: master
const R = require("ramda") var object = { dataset: [ { name: "Sarah", age: "23", gender: "female", country: "australia", occupation: "student" }, { name: "Randy", age: "19", gender: "male", country: "america", occupation: "student" }, { name: "Roger", age: "32", gender: "male", country: "germany", occupation: "software professional" }, { name: "Maverick", age: "10", gender: "male", country: "america", occupation: "student" }, { name: "Riya", age: "25", gender: "female", country: "australia", occupation: "software professional" }, { name: "Glade", age: "30", gender: "female", country: "India", occupation: "teacher" } ] }; R.groupBy(x => x.age, object.dataset)

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