Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.1
// Set class to wrap arrays var typal = require("@runkit/jison/typal/1.0.1"); var setMixin = { constructor: function Set_constructor (set, raw) { this._items = []; if (set && set.constructor === Array) this._items = raw ? set: set.slice(0); else if(arguments.length) this._items = [].slice.call(arguments,0); }, concat: function concat (setB) { this._items.push.apply(this._items, setB._items || setB); return this; }, eq: function eq (set) { return this._items.length === set._items.length && this.subset(set); }, indexOf: function indexOf (item) { if(item && item.eq) { for(var k=0; k<this._items.length;k++) if(item.eq(this._items[k])) return k; return -1; } return this._items.indexOf(item); }, union: function union (set) { return (new Set(this._items)).concat(this.complement(set)); }, intersection: function intersection (set) { return this.filter(function (elm) { return set.contains(elm); }); }, complement: function complement (set) { var that = this; return set.filter(function sub_complement (elm) { return !that.contains(elm); }); }, subset: function subset (set) { var cont = true; for (var i=0; i<this._items.length && cont;i++) { cont = cont && set.contains(this._items[i]); } return cont; }, superset: function superset (set) { return set.subset(this); }, joinSet: function joinSet (set) { return this.concat(this.complement(set)); }, contains: function contains (item) { return this.indexOf(item) !== -1; }, item: function item (v, val) { return this._items[v]; }, i: function i (v, val) { return this._items[v]; }, first: function first () { return this._items[0]; }, last: function last () { return this._items[this._items.length-1]; }, size: function size () { return this._items.length; }, isEmpty: function isEmpty () { return this._items.length === 0; }, copy: function copy () { return new Set(this._items); }, toString: function toString () { return this._items.toString(); } }; "push shift unshift forEach some every join sort".split(' ').forEach(function (e,i) { setMixin[e] = function () { return Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments); }; setMixin[e].name = e; }); "filter slice map".split(' ').forEach(function (e,i) { setMixin[e] = function () { return new Set(Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments), true); }; setMixin[e].name = e; }); var Set = typal.construct(setMixin).mix({ union: function (a, b) { var ar = {}; for (var k=a.length-1;k >=0;--k) { ar[a[k]] = true; } for (var i=b.length-1;i >= 0;--i) { if (!ar[b[i]]) { a.push(b[i]); } } return a; } }); module.exports.Set = Set;

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