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node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
const { Card, StandardDeck } = require("fh-cards"); // Require Deck of Cards const { Hand } = require('pokersolver'); // Solves a Poker Hand // Function to add to hands together (2 cards + 5 cards) // Transforms them to string representations (for poker solver) function joinCards(hand1, hand2) { return hand1.concat(hand2).map((card) => { return card.toString() }); }
Here we imported the modules that we needed.
const deck = new StandardDeck(); // The Deck that we will be using, we can reshuffle and reset const ITERATIONS = 100 const PLAYERS = 2; let combinations = {}; // Initalize to empty hash set // this will have the structure of { '4s2c': { wins: Number, total: Number} } for(let i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++ ) { deck.restart(); // Reset the Deck deck.shuffle(); // Shuffle the Deck const playerHands = [] let playerOneHand = [] // string representation of player 1's 2 hole cards const communityCards = deck.draws(5); for (let j = 0; j < PLAYERS; j++) { const playerHand = joinCards(deck.draws(2), communityCards); // string representation const playerHandSolved = Hand.solve(playerHand); // Object representation (scored) playerHands.push(playerHandSolved) if (j === 0) { playerOneHand = [playerHand[0],playerHand[1]]; } // console.log(playerHand); } // console.log(playerHandsHash) const winningHand = Hand.winners(playerHands) const wonGame = winningHand[0] === playerHands[0]; // Did first player win? // update first players wins or losses updateHash(playerOneHand, wonGame); // console.log(playerHands); // console.log(winningHand, wonGame) } function updateHash(playerOneHand, wonGame) { playerOneHand.sort() // removes permuatations const card = playerOneHand[0] + playerOneHand[1]; // Add the strings together to make a hash // we have a hash record if (combinations[card]) { combinations[card].wins += wonGame ? 1: 0; combinations[card].total += 1; } else { // create hash recrod combinations[card] = { wins: wonGame ? 1: 0, total: 1 } } } console.log(combinations)

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