Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Stagnant Server Side Usage

node v14.20.1
version: 1.0.0
const stagnant = require('stagnant') /* globals console, setTimeout, process */ function delay(ms){ return new Promise( Y => setTimeout(Y, ms)) } function randomDelay(min=0, max=300){ return delay(min + Math.random() * max - min) } async function parseEvent(){ await randomDelay() } async function verifyParams(){ for( let i = 0; i < 1e5; i ++) { Math.random() } } async function callVerified(event){ const { p } = event p({ 'someCallVerifiedData': 3 }) event = p.sync( () => verifyParams(event) ) const out = await p( { 'callData': 4 }, () => call(event) ) return out } async function call(event){ await randomDelay() } async function standardResult(){ await randomDelay() } async function filterResults(){ await randomDelay() } async function Usage(){ const p = stagnant({ onevent({ name, endTime, startTime }){ console.log( `${name || 'total'} ${endTime - startTime}` ) } }) let event = {} event = await p( 'parseEvent', { 'parseEventData.example': 2 }, () => parseEvent(event) ) let result = await p( p => callVerified({ ...event, p }) ) result = await p( () => standardResult(event, result) ) result = await p( () => filterResults(event, result) ) p.flush() return result } Usage() .catch( e => { console.error(e) process.exit(1) })

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