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Neural Network from scratch in JS

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
This is a neural network example built from scratch which is solving XOR Net Scheme is: 2 input nodes (i1, i2), 2 hidden nodes (h1, h2), 1 output node (o1) Bias is applied at each level, activation function - sigmoid.
Ramda is lib very similar to lodash, but the one I love. This lib is not used in network itself, it's only a helper:
var R = require('ramda'); void 0; //to not bloat the output
In order to get reproducible random we're using seed-random lib instead of Math.random:
var random = require('seed-random')(1337);
This is XOR data itself:
var data = [ {input: [0, 0], output: 0}, {input: [1, 0], output: 1}, {input: [0, 1], output: 1}, {input: [1, 1], output: 0}, ];
See https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1+%2F+(1+%2B+e+^+-x) and https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=dx+1+%2F+(1+%2B+e+^+-x) as a proof of code
var activation_sigmoid = x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)); var derivative_sigmoid = x => { const fx = activation_sigmoid(x); return fx * (1 - fx); };
var weights = { i1_h1: random(), i2_h1: random(), bias_h1: random(), i1_h2: random(), i2_h2: random(), bias_h2: random(), h1_o1: random(), h2_o1: random(), bias_o1: random(), };
Neural Network itself: just forward run, with no learning. Used for error computation and final test
function nn(i1, i2) { var h1_input = weights.i1_h1 * i1 + weights.i2_h1 * i2 + weights.bias_h1; var h1 = activation_sigmoid(h1_input); var h2_input = weights.i1_h2 * i1 + weights.i2_h2 * i2 + weights.bias_h2; var h2 = activation_sigmoid(h2_input); var o1_input = weights.h1_o1 * h1 + weights.h2_o1 * h2 + weights.bias_o1; var o1 = activation_sigmoid(o1_input); return o1; }
var calculateResults = () => R.mean(data.map(({input: [i1, i2], output: y}) => Math.pow(y - nn(i1, i2), 2))); var outputResults = () => data.forEach(({input: [i1, i2], output: y}) => console.log(`${i1} XOR ${i2} => ${nn(i1, i2)} (expected ${y})`));
And our error is now...
Time for our net to learn something new!
var train = () => { const weight_deltas = { i1_h1: 0, i2_h1: 0, bias_h1: 0, i1_h2: 0, i2_h2: 0, bias_h2: 0, h1_o1: 0, h2_o1: 0, bias_o1: 0, }; for (var {input: [i1, i2], output} of data) { //this part is 100% identic to forward pass function var h1_input = weights.i1_h1 * i1 + weights.i2_h1 * i2 + weights.bias_h1; var h1 = activation_sigmoid(h1_input); var h2_input = weights.i1_h2 * i1 + weights.i2_h2 * i2 + weights.bias_h2; var h2 = activation_sigmoid(h2_input); var o1_input = weights.h1_o1 * h1 + weights.h2_o1 * h2 + weights.bias_o1; var o1 = activation_sigmoid(o1_input); //learning starts here: // we calculate our delta var delta = output - o1; //then we calculate our derivative (and throwing away "2 * " as we can multiply it later) var o1_delta = delta * derivative_sigmoid(o1_input); //and for our equatation w1 * h1 + w2 * h2 we're trying to alter weights first weight_deltas.h1_o1 += h1 * o1_delta; weight_deltas.h2_o1 += h2 * o1_delta; weight_deltas.bias_o1 += o1_delta; //and then we're trying to alter our h1 and h2. //but we cannot alter them directly, as they are functions of other weights too //so we need to alter their weights by same approach var h1_delta = o1_delta * derivative_sigmoid(h1_input); var h2_delta = o1_delta * derivative_sigmoid(h2_input); weight_deltas.i1_h1 += i1 * h1_delta; weight_deltas.i2_h1 += i2 * h1_delta; weight_deltas.bias_h1 += h1_delta; weight_deltas.i1_h2 += i1 * h2_delta; weight_deltas.i2_h2 += i2 * h2_delta; weight_deltas.bias_h2 += h2_delta; } return weight_deltas; }
var applyTrainUpdate = (weight_deltas = train()) => Object.keys(weights).forEach(key => weights[key] += weight_deltas[key]);
Let's try.
applyTrainUpdate(); outputResults(); calculateResults();
Looks like error is getting smaller, but result is still not satisfying. We should try more...
R.times(() => applyTrainUpdate(), 100) outputResults(); calculateResults();
Result looks better, so we will probably repeat 1000 times more, this should work, right? :)
R.times(() => applyTrainUpdate(), 1000) outputResults(); calculateResults();
And... It's working. If we will place `x > .5 ? 1 : 0`, it will definitely work properly, but even for now it is working. We achieved to make our code to actually discover an algorhytm which is not familiar to it just by giving him examples.

1 comment

  • posted 6 years ago by alskenobi
    I really apreciate your code, thanks so much. It really open my mind, I was doing a lot of things wrong. But I'm facing some problems: - I'm not using seed, sometimes the code run and give the correct answers, but sometimes not. Even forcing a loop to stop when the results are < 0.2 Do you have any suggestion?

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