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RunKit + npm: dwv parse #1

node v14.20.1
version: 3.0.0
// canvas for Konva const c = require('canvas'); var dwv = require('dwv'); var request = require('xhr-request'); var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivmartel/dwv/master/tests/data/bbmri-53323851.dcm'; var onload = function (buffer) { // setup the dicom parser var dicomParser = new dwv.dicom.DicomParser(); // parse the buffer dicomParser.parse(buffer); // get the raw dicom tags var rawTags = dicomParser.getRawDicomElements(); // display the modality console.log('Modality: ' + rawTags.x00080060.value[0]); // get the wrapped dicom tags var tags = dicomParser.getDicomElements(); // display the modality console.log('Modality (bis): ' + tags.getFromName('Modality')); }; // request request(url, {responseType: 'arraybuffer'}, function (err, data, resp) { onload(data); });

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