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RunKit + npm: processhtmltemplate

node v10.24.1
version: 0.0.5
const testProcHtmlTemp = require("processhtmltemplate"); // Define template let myTemplateHTML = '<!doctype html><h1>Congratulation those clients win a prize!</h1><html><% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %><p>Country of origin : <%= continent.country[1] %></p><h4>You can participate every week.</h4><hr/><p>This has been generated with processhtmltemplate a node module from inbedia.</p></html>'; // Define Data in JSON let myTemplateDataUser = { 'users': ['Fred Flimstone', 'Barney Nockeles', "Bill Belechek", "Mat Groening"], continent: { country: ["Canada", "USA", "Mexico"] } }; testModuleTemplateHTMLCB(); // With callback function testModuleTemplateHTMLCB() { console.log(`Test start ----------------`); console.log("1st test normal one with callback..."); // Normal using callback let testHTMLtemplateCB = new testProcHtmlTemp.InbediaModule.ProcessHTMLTemplate(myTemplateHTML, myTemplateDataUser); testHTMLtemplateCB.ProcessHTML((resString) => { if (typeof resString === "string") console.log("Merge result = " + resString); else console.log("Error has been generated !"); }); }
Created from: https://npm.runkit.com/processhtmltemplate

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