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async try/catch

node v4.9.1
version: 2.0.0
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
var async = require('async'); try { async.waterfall([function1, function2], myAsyncCallback); } catch(err) { errorHandler(err); } function function1(callback) { console.log('in fn1') callback(null,'fn1'); } function function2(fn1, callback) { console.log('in fn2') callback(null, fn1 + 'fn2'); } function myAsyncCallback(err, result) { if (err) { console.error('There was an error: ' + err); return; } //an error occurs. this gets caught by the outer try block //var foo = outer; //oops, outer is not defined. This throws an error //same scenario but inside an async function //can't/won't be caught by the outer try block setTimeout(function(){ try{ //need try here var foo = inner; //oops, inner is not defined. This throws an error } catch(err) { errorHandler(err); } }, 1000); console.log('Result was: ' + result); } function errorHandler(err){ //Make error handler a function that can be called from either catch console.log('caught error: ' + err); }

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