Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
const CRLFCRLF = Buffer.from('\r\n\r\n'); const EOF = Buffer.from('\0'); const console = require('console'); const net = require('net'); const http = require('http'); const server = net.createServer() .on('error', console.error) .on('connection', (socket) => { let chunks = Buffer.from([]); const data = {}; socket .on('error', console.error) .on('data', (chunk) => { chunks = Buffer.concat([chunks, chunk]); if (!data.headers) { const index = chunks.indexOf(CRLFCRLF); if (0 <= index) { const [requestLine, ...headerLines] = chunks.slice(0, index).toString().split('\r\n'); chunks = chunks.slice(index + CRLFCRLF.length); const [method, uri, version] = requestLine.split(/\s+/); Object.assign(data, {method, uri, version}); const headers = data.headers = {}; for (const line of headerLines) { const delimiterIndex = line.indexOf(':'); const key = line.slice(0, delimiterIndex).trim().toLowerCase(); const value = line.slice(delimiterIndex + 1).trim(); headers[key] = value; } data.contentLength = parseInt(headers['content-length'], 10); data.checkEOF = 0 <= data.contentLength ? (chunks) => data.contentLength <= chunks.length : (chunks) => 0 <= chunks.indexOf(EOF); } } if (data.checkEOF && data.checkEOF(chunks)) { const responseBody = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from('##START##\n'), chunks, Buffer.from('\n##END##'), ]); socket.write(Buffer.from([ 'HTTP/1.0 200 GOOD', 'content-type: text/plain', `content-length: ${responseBody.length}`, '\r\n', ].join('\r\n'))); socket.write(responseBody); socket.end(); } }); }) .once('listening', () => { const requestBody = Buffer.from('Hello!!!'); const req = http.request({ host: '', port: server.address().port, method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content-length': `${requestBody.length}`, }, }) .on('error', console.error) .once('response', (res) => { console.log(`${res.statusCode} ${res.statusMessage}`); console.log(`res.headers: ${JSON.stringify(res.headers, null, 2)}`); const chunks = []; res .on('error', console.error) .on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk)) .once('end', () => { console.log(`${Buffer.concat(chunks)}`); }) }); req.write(requestBody); req.end(); }) .listen(3000);

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