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OLD - TS, ESM, CJS Playground

node v16.18.0
version: master
const SCRIPT_SPECS = [ { // ES Module path: '1.mjs', code: ` import { green, inverse, bgLightCyan, underline, dim } from 'ansicolor' // Usage: async function main () { console.log ('foo' + green (inverse (bgLightCyan ('bar')) + 'baz') + 'qux') console.log (underline.bright.green ('foo' + dim.red.bgLightCyan ('bar'))) // method chaining console.log(process.argv[1] + '\\n') } main() ` }, { // CommonerJS Module path: '2.cjs', code: ` const { green, inverse, bgLightCyan, underline, dim } = require ('ansicolor') console.log ('foo' + green (inverse (bgLightCyan ('bar')) + 'baz') + 'qux') console.log (underline.bright.green ('foo' + dim.red.bgLightCyan ('bar'))) // method chaining console.log(process.argv[1] + '\\n') ` }, { // TS Module path: '3.ts', code: ` import { green, inverse, bgLightCyan, underline, dim } from './internal/ansicolor/build/ansicolor.mjs' interface User { name: string; id: number; } class UserAccount { name: string; id: number; constructor(name: string, id: number) { this.name = name; this.id = id; console.log ('foo' + green (inverse (bgLightCyan ('bar')) + 'baz') + 'qux') console.log (underline.bright.green ('foo' + dim.red.bgLightCyan ('bar'))) // method chaining } } const user: User = new UserAccount("Murphy", 1); // console.log(user) console.log(process.argv[1] + '\\n') ` } ] // END CODE_FILES // <ESM-POLYFILL> Supports TS, MJS, CJS const sh = require('shelljs') const fs = require('fs') const cm = { root: process.cwd(), RKNMRegX: /^(.*\d{8,99})(.*)/g, shPath: require.resolve('shelljs'), nodeModules: '', defaultEnv: { NODE_OPTIONS: '--no-warnings --loader ts-node/esm/transpile-only' } } void Object.assign(cm, { nodeModules: cm.shPath.replace(cm.RKNMRegX, '$1'), myMods: cm.root+'/internal' }) const utils = {} class OmniLoader { constructor (argsRaw) { const args = argsRaw || { env: {} } Object.assign(this, { runKitVersion: '', vcsVersion: '', promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve()), scriptSpecs: [], env: cm.defaultEnv }, args) Object.assign(this.env, args.env) sh.exec('ln -s '+cm.nodeModules+' node_modules') sh.mkdir('-p', cm.myMods) this.prepareTSNode() } // get promise {} static getPkgJson(path) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${path}/package.json`).toString()) } static getModVer(path) { return utils.getPkgJson(path).version } static getModRepo(path) { // https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/configuring-npm/package-json#repository const repo = utils.getPkgJson(path).repository || {} if (typeof repo.url === 'undefined') throw new Error('CANT_READ_MOD_REPO_URL') return repo.url } modifyPackageJson(argsRaw) { const args = typeof argsRaw === 'undefined' ? { path: '', imports: {} } : { path: argsRaw.path || cm.root, imports: argsRaw.imports || {} } const defImports = { "#includes/*": `./includes/*` } const pkg = utils.getPkgJson(cm.root) pkg.imports = Object.assign(pkg.imports || {}, defImports, args.imports) pkg.type = "module" // console.log(`args.path = ${args.path}`) fs.writeFileSync(`./package.json`, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)) } prepareTSNode() { const tsConfig = { compilerOptions: { "target": "ESnext", "module": "ESNext", "allowJs": true, "moduleResolution": "node", "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true } } fs.writeFileSync('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify(tsConfig, null, 2)) } loadLatest(modName) { const modNMPath = `${cm.nodeModules}/${modName}` const modIPath = `${cm.myMods}/${modName}` const modRepo = utils.getModRepo(modNMPath) const e1 = sh.exec(`git clone "${modRepo}" "${modIPath}" && cd "${modIPath}" && npm install && npm link`) console.log(e1.stdout + '\n' + e1.stderr) const e2 = sh.exec(`npm link "${modName}"`) console.log(e2.stdout + '\n' + e2.stderr) //sh.exec(`cd "${cm.myMods}" && npm install ${modName}`) this.vcsVersion = utils.getModVer(modIPath) this.runKitVersion = utils.getModVer(modNMPath) this.modifyPackageJson() // console.log(`${cm.root}/package.json`) //this.modifyPackageJson({ imports: { [modName]: modIPath + '/build/ansicolor.mjs' } }) } getScriptSpecs (scriptSpecsRaw) { return scriptSpecsRaw || this.scriptSpecs } saveCode(scriptSpecsRaw) { for (const spec of this.getScriptSpecs(scriptSpecsRaw)) { fs.writeFileSync(spec.path, spec.code) } } getEnvString() { const envVars = Object.keys(this.env) const resultTokens = [] for (const envK of envVars) { resultTokens.push(`${envK}="${this.env[envK]}"`) } return resultTokens.join(' ') } runCode(scriptSpecsRaw) { for (const spec of this.getScriptSpecs(scriptSpecsRaw)) { fs.writeFileSync(spec.path, spec.code) const execRes = sh.exec(`env ${this.getEnvString()} node ${spec.path}`) console.log(execRes.stdout + '\n' + execRes.stderr) } console.dir(cm) } } Object.assign(utils, ((ClassRef) => { // returns static Fn's as Object entries const pNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ClassRef) // const staticFnNames = pNames.filter(n => typeof ClassRef[n] === 'function') const map = pNames.map(n => [n, ClassRef[n]]) return Object.fromEntries(map) })(OmniLoader)) const omniLoader = new OmniLoader({ scriptSpecs: SCRIPT_SPECS }) omniLoader.loadLatest('ansicolor') omniLoader.saveCode() omniLoader.runCode() console.log('vcsVersion ' + omniLoader.vcsVersion) console.log('RunKitVersion ' + omniLoader.runKitVersion) console.log(fs.readFileSync(`${cm.root}/package.json`).toString()) console.dir(omniLoader) /*const rawStdout = execSync( // Run any TS, MJS or CJS files laying around 'find \\( -name \'*.?js\' -o -name \'*.ts\' \\) -maxdepth 2 -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L1 node --loader ts-node/esm/transpile-only', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ) console.log(rawStdout)*/ // </ESM-POLYFILL>
/* execSync('cat package.json', { encoding: 'utf-8' }) console.log(require.main) console.log(...execSync('set', { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n')) console.log(...execSync(`cat /app/node_modules/fs-extra/package.json`, { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n')) console.log(...execSync(`cat ${MODULES_PATH}/fs-extra/package.json`, { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n')) console.log(...execSync('ls -laht "/app/"', { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n')) console.log(process.argv) console.log(__filename) console.log(process.env) execSync('npm install csv', { encoding: 'utf-8' }) */

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